Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to MB's journal

So after spending the past couple of years sending out mass emails about my travels and life in Europe I have decided to start a blog to help reduce the number of unnecessary emails you all receive.
This is the start of my third year living in Paris, France. I leave this evening from Toronto airport and will arrive in Paris tomorrow afternoon.
This year is a little different than the past two. I will not only be teaching English but I will also be doing a masters in French Literature at La Sorbonne University in Paris. I am pretty excited about it but also very nervous. It has been a few years since I have been in a classroom and I am throwing myself into a classroom where the native language of everyone but me is French! lol I have no idea what to expect from this school year and that is pretty different for me. I usually like to plan and sometimes over plan things so going into this unknown is scary but really exciting! I can't wait to start.
I am also looking forward to seeing my friends back on the other side of the ocean and can't wait to be back in my own apartment (sorry rents, I loved being home but definitely prefer living on my own, as I am sure you prefer not having an extra person in your house either). Stay tuned as the adventures are sure to continue. :)

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