So since I am not working much right now, (and by much I mean at all! lol) I decided to do some sightseeing. I am trying to get in everything I have wanted to see for the past 3 years and been putting off. So today I went to the Catacombes and quarries. Let me just start by saying I wasn't really sure what to expect. I mean I know it is a bunch of bones and such but had no idea how many. So first you go down these spiral stairs (for a good 5 minutes non stop). I def got a little dizzy. Then you read a couple of plaques talking about what the underground quarries used to be and then how they were turned into catacombes b/c the quarries under the left bank of the river caused so many problems with the cemeteries that were above them. Then you walk down a winding tunnel with very little light for about 10 minutes. Then you get to a door that above it says "Stop. Here is the Empire of Death" (that is the translation anyways). And then there are the bones. And not just a few but millions and millions and millions. They are just stacked all the way along both sides. Every now and then there is plaque that will say these are the remains from such and such cemetery. Basically what they did was remove the remains from the cemetery and smush them all together in an area of these underground quarries. It is crazy. And then you walk for a good 20 mintues through the winding paths of these remains. It is quite humbling actually. By the time you get through it all, you realize that despite what your belief of what happens after life may be, in the end your body is no more. The bones were just there. Like no big deal and all stacked on one another. Some of them were famous people or at least well known people of France but you would never know which ones because they are all burried there anomonously.
A couple of tips of anyone who may be planning to visit this somewhat depressing but definitely interesting site. 1) Don't wear open toed shoes. Because it is underground, there is water that drips from the ceiling sometimes and there are puddles so be careful. 2) If you don't like the dark or get anxious in it, a flashlight might be a good idea (could help with photos too as no flash is allowed). 3) It is probably a site that is better to visit with another person but overall is definitely worth visiting. Enjoy!!!
A couple of tips of anyone who may be planning to visit this somewhat depressing but definitely interesting site. 1) Don't wear open toed shoes. Because it is underground, there is water that drips from the ceiling sometimes and there are puddles so be careful. 2) If you don't like the dark or get anxious in it, a flashlight might be a good idea (could help with photos too as no flash is allowed). 3) It is probably a site that is better to visit with another person but overall is definitely worth visiting. Enjoy!!!
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